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Acadian Timber Corp.

  • Ticker ADN
    Exchange TSX More
  • Industry Lumber, Wood Production More
  • Sector Basic Materials More
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  • Based in Vancouver, British Columbia
Acadian Timber Corp. (TSX: ADN) is a leading supplier of primary forest products in Eastern Canada and the Northeastern U.S. With a total of approximately 2.4 million acres of land under management, Acadian is one of the largest timberland operators in New Brunswick and Maine. Acadian owns and manages approximately 1.1 million acres of freehold timberlands in New Brunswick and Maine andMore provides timber services relating to approximately 1.3 million acres of Crown licensed timberlands in New Brunswick. Acadian’s products include softwood and hardwood sawlogs, pulpwood and biomass by-products, sold to approximately 85 regional customers. Acadian’s business strategy is to maximize cash flows from its existing timberland assets while growing its business by acquiring assets on a value basis and utilizing its operations-oriented approach to drive improved performance.
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